Shockingly, it has actually gotten cold in San Diego this month. We had more than a week where I needed to wear a sweater and it even rained! Madeline wore her raincoat and rain boots to school to celebrate! Then she kept wearing them because she loves to wear her raincoat (and she has three to choose from)!
Madi singing to Ella while I work |
What the bathroom looks like when I get ready on Wednesdays |
Watching a show together |
We spent Superbowl Sunday at home in the morning and then at Gisella and Andy's for the actual game. While we were relaxing at home in the morning, Amazon delivered our giant box of diapers and wipes. We decided to leave the box upstairs for Madeline to play with . . . and boy did she play with it! Matt helped Madeline turn her box into a fort, a car, and an airplane. She decided to drive to Paris and fly to Sea World. I think we may need to work on her understanding of geography. Madi was so excited when we got to Auntie G's because Amelia and Joeclyn were there. Any day with Jocy is the best day ever! It made for a great superbowl for Matt and I also. There were plenty of lovely women who wanted to hold the baby, Madeline was entertained and I got to sit by myself on the couch and drink some wine. Woohoo!
Joss and Madi demolishing G's guest room |
The fort |
Flying to Sea World |
Working on the tape and steering wheel |
Jameson piloting the plane! |
Our water was off overnight last week so I took the girls and headed to my mom's house for the night. It was wonderful to have so much time with Grandma T and we got to see Abu two nights in a row! I neglected to bring Ella's bouncy chair and that was a terrible call on my part. She had to be held constantly and since Madi didn't want to leave her sister at all, I was exhausted with both of them by the end of Wednesday. Madi had a ton of fun playing with my old cabbage patch dolls, making a mess of Grandma T's house, and getting Grandma T to take her shopping for Cheez-its!
Madeline's new belly slide move |
Getting ready to slide at the Linda Lane park |
This weekend we took Jocelyn and Madeline to Seaport Village. Madi has been asking for a repeat trip of the train and carousel since we went in December. Matt and I took the girls (including Ella) and let Amelia have a few hours to herself. I love how much fun Madi and Jocy have together. They are so easy to be with. We were also amazed at the fact that the got all three carseats in the back of my car. They were wedged in there tight! Both big girls enjoyed holding Ella's hands and letting Matt and I know if she was sleeping or not.
Packed in the car like sardines |
Checking out the water |
Carousel ride # 1 of 3 |
Eleanor finally had her first doctor's appointment with Madeline's doctor (Dr Nakahara). I was much happier bringing her to a pediatrician that I know and trust, with a n office that is easy to park at, and a separate waiting room for sick and well kids. Ella proved herself to be gigantic! She is now 11 pounds 7 3/4 ounces (75th percentile for weight), 22 inches (40th percentile) and has a head of 15 1/2 inches (75th percentile). She is already a full 2 pounds heavier at 6 1/2 weeks than Madeline was at 8 weeks! Obviously eating has not been a problem. We are back to working on the bottle though, Ella has decided she doesn't like to use it very much. She is going to have to figure it out by the time she starts school. She is much more active now, grabbing things, staying awake, smiling, and watching people around her. If we could have increased activity without the corresponding increase in cranky time I would be so happy, but it hasn't worked that way. Eleanor has not wanted to sleep unless she is being held day or night and she is having a hard time going down in the evenings now. Hopefully we will get through this period rather quickly! On the upside, she is sleeping longer at night (two four hour spurts usually), so if i went to bed a 7, I would be getting good sleep! Eleanor also got her first big round of shots today. Poor baby, she looked so shocked when she got stuck with the first needle and turned cherry red screaming. Her little legs are still sore, so (as Madeline says) we are being careful with her.
Swinging, swaddled, and snuggled. |
Ella prefers to sleep completely wrapped up |
Nightly picture with Madeline's Cheese and Eleanor's Pirate Look |
On the playmat |
Tummy Time! |