The girls are growing in leaps and bounds right now. Like every parent, I think they are growing way too quickly and (in some areas) way too slowly, all at the same time. Matt and I are waiting, very impatiently, for Eleanor to start sitting up. Not that she is behind at all! We put her in the exersaucer, strap her into the high chair, lean her on pillows and generally encourage her to work on her core! She laughs at us and tips over regularly. In other areas, Ella is already moving ahead. She has two bottom teeth (two!!!) and is eating rice cereal with her breakfast and dinner. It took Eleanor only a day or two to figure out how to get food off the spoon and scoop it with her tongue. She loves the cereal, but will show her lovely gag reflex if you try to feed her more than a tablespoon per meal. Fruit will be tried next week.
The face Ella makes when I try to take a picture of her teeth. Not helpful! |
Happy Madi! |
Ella using a high chair out for the first time |
Madeline had her first swimming lesson this week. Though she is comfortable in the water thanks to the time we spend in the pool at home, she needs to learn how to swim without a floatie and safely. I was sure Madeline would refuse to get in the pool at her first lesson (since I don't have to get in, yay!), but she did it! Admittedly, Madi was timid about the water and a little shy of her teacher and classmates, but she got in, she paid attention, and she learned! I managed not to say something extremely rude to the mother who was so busy on her phone that she didn't even notice her rude child spit water in Madi's face or continually misbehave for the 30 minute lesson, so props to me too! I am guessing that I won't be able to contain myself through many more classes, so I have been working on polite ways to ask her to discipline her daughter when she does something rude to mine. I have also been reminding Madi to use her "no thank you" for the kids in her lessons just like she does at school. Part of me figures if I leave it alone, Madeline might solve the problem her way . . . with teeth. I don't want her to bite, but I am okay with it if the problem with this little brat gets solved. These are the times when I wonder what kind of mom I am.
Hanging out on the "pirate ship" practicing her "mermaid hands" |
After a great Memorial Day at the New Children's Museum and the carousel with Brennan and Eric, we may have just had our best weekend yet as a family of four humans! On Friday, Matt and I had a grown-up night out for dinner and the Book of Mormon. Dinner was great, especially since we had some friends go with us and we have not all been out to dinner together since before we all had kids. The play was hilarious. I almost peed my pants a few times, and have been singing some of the song lines to myself all week. While we had a playdate, Madeline had her first sleepover at Jocelyn's. They ate frozen yogurt before dinner, played with the kitties, colored, and generally ran around. I am so proud of Madi for spending the whole night and being okay in the morning! Thanks to Amelia for being willing to take her on, we are ready for Jocelyn to stay here whenever you are! Eleanor also had a first, she stayed with Melanie and Axel while we went out, managed to go to sleep around 7, and stay that way until we picked her up! Thanks Schwarz family for taking our little pumpkin on! On Saturday we had a beach bbq with friends. It is so much fun to see the girls running around together, digging in the sand, eating hot dogs, and looking at the babies. (yes girls, since little William is the only boy in a sea of girls).
Madi and Joss enjoying dessert first! |
Ella sleeping in Aunt Mel's arms. |