Tuesday, March 18, 2014

Testing, Testing, Madi's Almost Three

I feel like Madeline comes up with a new boundary to test daily. Lots of friends warned me that three is going to be worse than two and sadly, I think they may be right! A couple of Sunday's ago, Madi didn't make it through mass for the first time since she starting eating snacks.  We've had Sundays where it's been close, we had the infamous (well infamous to me) accident on the floor next to the pew day, we have had days where we ran out of goldfish, and many Sundays spent modeling a church voice and explaining why it isn't okay to stand on the pew and yell "Hi" to Father Matt.  But, this was the first time I actually had to just take Madi home early. Partly this is my fault. I told Matt that I think my expectations might be too high.  Madeline is usually so good, that when she does act out I am super irritated with it. I feel like she would be able to get away with so much more if she were just generally not as well-behaved as she is. You may be wondering what she did that was so horrible that I made her leave church? It was actually a super-normal toddler behavior that I have been very unsuccessfully trying to get her to stop doing. Madeline was picking her nose! Repeatedly, after repeated requests that she stop because it is gross and repeated offers of a tissue! I finally made the ultimate parental statement "if you pick your nose one more time, we will leave." As a teacher I know that you can't make a statement like this and not follow through. Just as we got to the "peace be with you" section of mass, she picked again! Darn kid, we only had 10-12 more minutes to go! I packed her stuff up and sent her out of the pew and out the door. Madeline started crying immediately. Once outside we discussed why we had to leave and how Madi would have to behave the following week in order to stay for the whole mass. Luckily, leaving was actually a punishment for Madeline. I felt so mean the whole ride home as she continued to sniffle.
This has been followed up with lots of little tests. Can I spit my toothpaste out on the counter instead of the sink (yep Madeline is big enough to use toothpaste and spit, so cool)? Can I throw food on the floor? Can I draw on the wall with my chalk even though I know I'm not supposed to? Can I splash water all over mom during bath time? Can I get you to sleep all night in my bed (talking to you dad)? And the biggie, what happens if I bite my sister? All of these little tests have been repeated and are starting to fade though she is super creative regarding figuring out boundaries. I have been waiting for the at home bite ever since we conquered biting (again) at school. It came just before bedtime at the end of a nice relaxing day of fabulous behavior. Basically instead of going in for a goodnight kiss, Madi tried to bite off Ella's big toe. She didn't break the skin, but she definitely left a mark. Madeline scared herself with this and it's results so luckily she hasn't bitten her sister again, but I get a little tense when Madi goes in for kisses. I am becoming more and more nervous about what kind of behavior three will have in store for us! Hopefully, we'll all come out the other side alive and well!
One great part about being almost three, Madeline is back into trying foods. her favorite foods - expensive cheese!

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