At 4 months, Eleanor is the size of an average six month old. I finally gave in, went through all of the clothes, and boxed up the 3 month stuff. Due to her giant-ness, Ella may end up wearing less of Madi's clothing than expected, all of my "second sibling" friends will be happy about that! Eleanor's stats at the doctor were: weight - 15 pounds 9 ounces (90th percentile), length - 25 inches (75the percentile, head - 75th percentile. Ella had to get 5 separate shots at the doctor this visit since they were out of the combination shots. Poor baby, she screamed her head off and had little bruises on her legs for a few days. I spent the next few hours cuddling her, trying to make up for the pain.
Big girl getting measured |
Pre-shots |
Eleanor is rolling over both ways regularly now. She does not have to be mad to make it happen and she can no longer be left on the couch or bed for very long. She still loves being outside and really enjoyed our warm week when she was outside, at the beach, or in her playpen next to the open sliding glass door all day. She is very happy in her exersaucer, chewing toys, and hitting buttons. Ella is getting even better at purposefully grabbing things and getting them where she wants (in her mouth) though she still has to do some work to figure out where to hold objects to get the part she wants in her mouth. Eleanor is close to sitting in a tripod fashion, does okay if we put her in the right kind of high chair and still would rather be held than anything else. Ella continues to sleep in our bed, she holds my hand or hair or boob the same way Madeline did to make sure that she isn't left alone. We also think teething has begun. Ella is a drooly mess, requiring bibs and shirt changes. Her gums are going white in front and she is generally cranky all evening unless she is gnawing on a finger or a toy (or eating which she always loves best).
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