Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Eleanor is 7 months old!

At 7 months old, Ella has been making huge strides. She is so very close to crawling. She gets up on her hands and knees and makes about one forward movement with a hand/knee, then wither drops back to a sit or down to her belly. Eleanor is also pulling up to a stand everywhere that she can: in the tub (aghhh), on my leg in the kitchen (aghh), on the dog (aghhh), basically anywhere that is super dangerous. Ella has rolled off of Madeline's bed once so far, hopefully she will hold off on doing that in the new house with the hardwood floors!
Ella is also laughing constantly, babbling to everyone and (of course) saying dada. I have decided that the ability to string together the da sound does not constitute a first word, but Matt would like to think that Ella's first word is for him! I guess he might deserve this since everything Ella does looks more and more like Matt will have three of us with the same personality, oops! Eleanor is obsessed with the dogs and loves to grab their ears, chew on Lani's feet, and lay on Jameson as much as she can. She watches them walk around and is often totally distracted from crying by the dog coming over.
Eleanor is eating solids regularly now. We can pretty much find something to give her at any restaurant as long as we cut it small or it is soft. Madeline loves to choose Ella's meals and tries to make them match what she is eating. Eleanor is even taking a solid lunch and cheerios to school now, woohoo! We never go anywhere without cheerios and a num-num. She is also starting to use a sippy cup, but mostly that is just a soggy mess! Ella now has 4 teeth through. I still can't get her to hold still long enough for a picture, but I am still trying.
Some video of my favorite sound (baby giggles) regularly induced by Jameson licking her and a video of Madi reading to Eleanor. Notice how enthralled Ella is with Madi!

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