September was the month of sickness. The second Thursday that I had students I got a phone call just as the bell rang saying that Ella had been throwing up. I picked her up from school and brought her home to rest. In between bouts of vomiting, Ella was awfully chipper. She was crawling, playing, and snuggling. Matt made a trip for some Pedialyte and Ella happily sipped on it all night long. As soon as she was feeling better though (Friday morning) Ella decided to go back to full time nursing. Needless to say, she was not happy to go back to school again and deal with bottles. I was lucky enough to be the next flu victim, which left Matt being a solo parent Saturday afternoon. I thought I was going to die right around my second hour laying on the bathroom floor with Jameson. Of course, Matt's big worry was that he was supposed to go to the Charger game on Sunday ;) Grandma T said she would drive down if she needed to. By 1 am I was doing ok and Matt was able to go to football as planned. The girls were very good all day and let me relax in the playroom while they played and snacked.
By Wednesday, Matt went down and he was just in time to be home with Madeline when she got sick on Thursday. They stayed home together on Friday while Matt worked and Madi played. Of course we thought that we were going to be good to go for the rest of flu season. At least we got it out of the way early, right? Wrong! Within the next week, three of the four of us were sick again. Fevers, sore throats, fatigue, ick. I feel the need to bleach the entire house to make sure no more viruses are lingering in the rugs!
Between the bouts of illness, Madeline had her bi-annual trip to the dentist. For the first time she didn't cry at all! I was so proud of her!! Madi let the dentist touch her teeth, talked to her about brushing and was just amazing. I am actually not afraid of the next visit (for the first time)!
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