Wednesday, November 5, 2014

Halloween 2014

Every Halloween gets better with kids. I love that we get to decorate the house, dress up, and spend the night having fun! There was a time (pre-kids) where it began to feel like we were supposed to be wearing super cool or sexy costumes and finding  a raging party to go to every Halloween, it is so nice to have that feeling be gone. Instead we drank a ton of wine and cocktails with our friends while corralling a group of excited toddlers and elementary schoolers around the neighborhood. The girls also had a parade at school with their annual trick or treating at Siesels and the Coffee Shop.
How many Elsa's are on parade?

Little witch

Ella got much too heavy and had to ride in the stroller with her friends for the second half of the parade
Of course we started off the holiday with the annual Bulldog Halloween picnic. The dogs bobbed for hot dogs (Jameson miraculously didn't eat his though he managed to get one out), they had a costume parade and then we ate cake. Madi was so excited about the cake! We dressed the crew in their costumes (a witch and her flying monkeys). I think I need to work a little bit harder next year on our group theme, but they were all so cute anyways.
Costume group winners!


Madi practicing her princess walk
We had a few friends and their kiddos over for Halloween. We participated in maybe half of the neighborhood parade (but didn't want the kids to wear their legs out too early), headed home for dinner and then let the wild things loose on the streets. The kids were so enthusiastic about every piece of candy and about every house that had a pumpkin or a decoration. It was so awesomely cute! We chaperoned with our to-go cups and even Ella seemed to enjoy the night out (I ended up taking her out in the stroller because she was so cranky I couldn't deal with keeping her in the house). Thankfully, post-parade, Alyson and Greg elected to hang out and pass out candy. After Brennan got tired of trick or treating, he took over candy passing out and he was so good at it!
Trick or treat!

Brennan as a ninja turtle

Madi witch

Jocelyn as a rainbow spider (go amelia on the costume making!)

Trying to get a pic of the rainbow spider doing a handstand

Baby Julia in outfit number 3!

Monkey crawling away

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