The week before Christmas was busy and wonderful. We went to Clairemon to see the neighborhood that totally decks out in lights with the Gross, Johnson, and Kelly families. On Saturday, Madi and I went to the Gross house for a Cookie decorating party with the big kids. Somehow I didn't take any pictures, but the girls and Brennan had loads of fun with the frosting bottles and sprinkles. Naomi, Steph and I ended up with lots of adorably messy cookies for teachers and lots of cookies still left to frost later on.
The girls had school on Monday and Tuesday, allowing me time alone to finish up projects around the house. I had a conference call for CREEC, wrapped presents, made a few more cinnamon almonds, frosted the rest of the cookies, finished recovering the dining room chairs (I only did four before we moved out of the condo), did last minute shopping, that kind of thing. On Tuesday, Madeline had a Holiday show at school in the afternoon. The kids sung christmas carols, the dreidel song, and Santa even came to visit! Madi did not make it even sitting with her friends last year, but this year she jingled her bell and even sang her favorite songs.
Sitting with her friends waiting to start the concert |
:) |
Bell jingling |
I had the girls home with me Tuesday afternoon through the return to school in January. 12 crazy days!!! There were times when I wasn't sure I was going to make it to the end, but we got there and survived. On Christmas Eve Day, Matt worked from home part of the day. The girls and I played, got ready for our Christmas brunch (Madeline helped me make the cinnamon rolls and cupcakes . . . she really likes to eat the frosting before it gets put on anything). Madi and I also made cookies to leave out for Santa. She wanted to make these sugar cookies which are rolled in sprinkles and a hershey kiss gets placed on top. They should stay in little balls to make this happen. Ours turned into one giant cookie on the cookie sheet, so we went with flat cookies instead and no kiss. We also started our craft that will hopefully be an annual thing - the girls put their hand prints on a white cloth that I am going to turn into a table-runner to put out during the holidays. Then we can watch their little hands grow (thank you Pinterest, we'll see if this turns out as cute as it looks or if it just becomes a chore).

We let the girls open their gift that have been under the tree from our out of town family on Christmas Eve. Madeline was so excited for present opening this year! Ella wasn't really sure what was going on, but she tried to get involved. Since she loves ripping paper, Eleanor did okay opening gifts. She and Jameson competed for who could eat the most Christmas wrap.
Madi showing off her unwrapping skills |
Ella stole Jameson's present |
On Christmas morning the girls woke up to the Elf being gone (he now lives in my sock drawer) and presents under the tree from Santa. Luckily Madeline was willing to believe that Santa had to borrow Mama's wrapping paper since I accidentally wrapped all of the girls' presents in the same paper that I had wrapped other presents in which had been under the tree all week. Oops! Next year I will use special Santa paper!
Christmas morning! |
"Santa came!!" |

After we opened Santa presents, the girls and I got ready and headed over to the Hill's for Harlow Christmas breakfast. We got to spend some time with Lisa and her kids (Sydney is just about old enough to babysit!), see Grandpa Dave and Kay, and even have quick visits with the other Harlow brothers and Great-Grandma Joan. The kids were loaded up on gifts and excitement with many more hours of fun ahead of them! Luckily Ella took a little nap on the way home so she could handle the day (mostly). At home, Matt was working away on finishing the Christmas brunch spread. He and the dogs enjoyed some quiet time in the kitchen. We got home to brunch being prepped, the smell of bacon in the air :), and family arriving. It was an awesome time with family! Madeline (and I) were a little shocked by the number of presents that showed up in front of the tree . . . maybe next year some unnamed people will control their purchasing, haha. It was so nice to feel so loved. Madeline obviously understands presents now as she kept asking "Is there one for me? Can i have another present?" After the massive present opening event, we took a break for cupcakes and alcohol. With everyone sufficiently relaxed and the dogs played with, we dove back in to celebrate Ella being one (almost). Thanks everyone for spoiling the girls (and us) we had an amazing brunch and hope to repeat it again!

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"For me?!?!?!" |
Post opening playtime |
Post Christmas Mess :) |
What all the new toys looked like stacked in the playroom |
Post Christmas dishes |
Ella trying out her new car seat |
Ella received this awesome shirt for Christmas! |
Princess Castle time. And yes this now lives in our living room. I am undecided who loves it more, the girls or the dogs (who sleep in it nightly) |
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