Monday, November 28, 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving week was a week at home with the girls. We went to the Grinch at the Old Globe on Sunday. No Ella is not quite 3, but we lied and took her to the evening show anyways. She loved it! Madi enjoyed the show, but was antsy after the first 45 minutes. We had playdates with Shea and Porter and Riva and Zev. The girls and I went to Sea World for a morning. Madi and I also attended the Thanksgiving lunch at Ella's school. Thanksgiving Day was spent at the Howe house with the Martins. We had a yummy pre-made meal and enjoyed the annual fight with the oven thermometer. Madeline and Eleanor could not decide what kind of pie they wanted, so we went half apple - half cherry, yum! It is so amazing to me that we have finally hit a point in our lives when my kids can hang out at home, letting me work or relax. Yay!!!
Ella's favorite activity - naked TV with the dog

For the record - those overalls were Mom's

Grinch ready

Madi took this picture

As close as we got to a good family photo

Rain fun

Madi's fall tree she made for homework

Sea world had trees everywhere

Park with Daddy

The best part of the week off

Wednesday, November 9, 2016

California Adventure

Matt and I surprised the girls with a trip to CA Adventure on election day! I cannot believe how much fun we had. Both Matt and I expected the day to be fun for the girls and a slog for us, but the park was not overly crowded, the lines were fine, and we all ended up really enjoying ourselves.
We were able to ride multiple rides more thane once and I don't think we were in line for anything longer than 10 minutes (except the Frozen show which has a mandatory hour long wait). Thanks to some friends' advice, we booked dinner at Ariel's Grotto. The girls were so excited to meet the princesses during dinner and Ella loved the dessert plate! We even managed to catch a parade that was being prepped for the holiday season!
The girls rode on: the Ladybug Boogie, Heimlich's Chew Chew Train, Junkard Jamboree, Luigi's Roadsters, King Triton's Carousel (a bunch of times), Madi and Matt rode the Jumping Jellyfish, Masi and Ella accidentally rode in their own plane on the Golden Zephyr (I thought Ella was going to fall out the door and die), and we finished the day with Ariel's Adventure.