Monday, December 26, 2016

Christmas 2016!

The week before Christmas was a lovely week for me at home with the girls. We went on walks, I did some work, the kids played, and we ate a ton. On Wednesday, the girls, Grandma T and I went to the Nutcracker Ballet. They did a toddler production that was the perfect length, but had way too many kids in attendance, haha.
Christmas was great this year. The girls and I visited the Harlows in the morning while Matt finished prep for brunch. Abu, Grandma T, and Grandma Sue spoiled the girls in an uncontrollable fashion! After opening all of her Christmas gifts, Ella needed a break before she could start on her birthday presents. Poor thing.
The girls did a great job helping clean out and organize their playroom after the holiday spectacular, which means everything actually fits somewhere in the house. Hopefully next year, Christmas will not include a giant pink horse or a new music item (I'm talking to you Grandmas!)


Monday, December 19, 2016

December Festivities

We kicked off December with the annual Santa Brunch at Shadowridge. This is the first year both girls smiled in a picture with Santa! The girls wrote Christmas lists to bring to Santa and Madeline was totally comfortable talking to him about what she wanted for the holiday.

We met up with the Kellys and Johnsons for our annual Christmas Light walk. The kids are getting so big and so adorable. I think we went a bit early in the season, based on how calm the street was this year.
It's always a miracle when Eleanor is appropriately dressed for the weather!

Julia, Jackson, Madi, and Ella
The annual trip to Zoo Nights ended up being a total flop. There had been rain earlier in the day, so the elves didn't bounce, the restaurants were all closed, and we moms were not feeling the joy. Alyson conquered her fear of the skyfari and we did see a parade - so that helped redeem the trip this year.

The girls are loving the couch cuddling that cold weather brings.

Mom was awful and scheduled the girls for both flu shots and the dentist in one morning. Dad made up for it with a trip to frozen yogurt.

This season had the gift of Madi getting an awrd at school for being a risk taker! Wow! Even better, her bestie Lily also got an award, so they were able to go on stage together. One risk at a time!

The Franklin Holiday Show was awesome. We had pizza and cookies for dinner before the show. The classes perfomed in pairs. I was sure Madi wouldn't even make it on stage, but she killed it dead center front with both Rudolph and Jingle Bell Rock!!

Ella chose not to sing during her show. But she and Allee killed the jingle bell ringing!

Sunday, December 4, 2016

Friends, Friends, and more Friends

It is always hard for me to decide who is luckier to have the friends we do: the kids or Matt and I?
I love how much we get together for dinner, or activities, or to hang at the park. We do zoo trips, camping, backyard movies, and birthdays with an amazing group of people. I always love the time spent sharing parenting and letting the girls play until they drop from exhaustion.

Allee's Birthday at the Birch:

touching a baby shark

Ella loved the shark

Post cupcakes - mom is not a fan of grocery store frosting . . . it stains everything
 Movie night at the Gross house:
 Zoo trip:
The Kelly boys and the Howe girls

 Fun with Wren:
 Shea :)

Baby Samantha - this poor child is overloved by all of the Howe girls